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- Servicios de Reubicación | Exodus Internet Chur
Red Sea Voyage Passover Servicios de Reubicación Nuestra misión en Exodus Internet Church es ayudar al pueblo de Dios a prestar atención a la advertencia del Señor en Apocalipsis 18:4: "Salid de ella, pueblo mío, para que no seáis partícipes de sus pecados, ni recibáis parte de sus plagas..." Creemos que Mystery Babylon son los Estados Unidos de América. Si necesitas ayuda para escapar de "ella", estamos aquí para ayudarte a lograrlo. MUY PRONTO: Actualmente estamos desarrollando un paquete electrónico exhaustivo que incluye todo lo que necesita saber para mudarse a Antigua, Indias Occidentales. Vuelva a visitar esta página pronto, ya que estará disponible para su compra a un precio razonable. Además, permanezca atento, ya que ampliaremos nuestros servicios de reubicación para incluir varios países. Todo sobre mi Llamar 123-456-7890 Correo electrónico Seguir
- Nuestra Misión | Exodus Internet Chur
Our Mission: To combat and overcome Scrupulosity (Religious Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) LEARN MORE What is "Scrupulosity?" Scrupulosity is the cause of why Satan is in control of organized religion, the reason why we must all must detox from it. Satan turned the gospel of Jesus Christ into a message of religious bondage. Scrupulosity: The Mental Health Description Some characteristics and behaviors of Scrupulosity include: Fear of being rejected by God Obsession with being "elect" or "reprobate" Fear of committing blasphemy or the unpardonable sin Compulsive, repetitive prayer, confession, or Bible-reading Intense judgment of self and others
- Author Pamela Sheppard | Exodus Internet Chur
Autor Pamela Sheppard Nacida de nuevo el 29 de marzo de 1977 y ministra desde 1981, Pamela Sheppard, también conocida como "Pastora Pam", es autora de varios libros de bolsillo y libros electrónicos de no ficción cristiana. Ella lleva el manto de Moisés, mientras mira a Satanás a la cara y le ordena: “¡Deja ir al pueblo de Dios!” ¡La palabra escrita de Dios es su espada del espíritu! Pam es una poderosa creyente en Cristo, fiel hija y sierva de Dios; su dilatada experiencia y unción divina la han dotado de habilidades especiales para exponer el engaño, desbloquear cadenas de esclavitud y liberar a las personas al arrojar luz sobre realidades invisibles. Su visión como autora sigue siendo aguda, profunda y profética, ya que permanece vigilante y alerta en esta época. ¡En verdad, Pam Sheppard es un instrumento escogido por Dios para Su propósito de dejar ir a Su Pueblo! Más información Publicaciones 2024 De Pamela Sheppard Publicaciones Pastora Pamela Sheppard: De "pastor" a "pastor"
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- Introduce yourselfEn General DiscussionJune 7, 2022Hello everyone, my name is Evan and I have been with PSM/EIC for little over three years. I first came to the ministry in need of deliverance…thinking I was born again already and just needed some freedom from my involvement with the occult. BUT… come to find out there was A-LOT more I needed freedom from. Within four days, I received the truth about false conversions and that I was not saved. I then was given the Gospel, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth via the salvation videos on YouTube and became TRULY born again. I was convicted by the Holy Ghost of a sin I didn’t even know I was in: RELIGIOUS IDOLATRY— the idolatry that my works can achieve merit of righteousness. I knew nothing of God… and when I heard the words “I am crying for what the did to Jesus” the sorrow hit me deep, and soon enough repentance moved in my heart while I was AT the cross of Jesus. Then, moments after FAITH was given to me to believe Jesus is still alive, physically resurrected!!! I became a new creation. Yet, the devil was certainty not done with me. I had made various sins, and assumptions that caused me to be harassed by the enemy, and I mean HARASSED. I participated in messianic religious rituals after my rebirth and watch conspiracy videos on YouTube that caused fear to creep in me. Not only, but I had been involved in sexual sin and had a judgmental flesh that caused me to accuse others. All of these things caused major attacks that almost pushed me to a point of wanting to give up. BUT GOD was not giving up ON ME, and sent dreams about me to Pastor Pam which caused me to vomit all of these things I was holding back and eventually lead me to repent from those sins and cleansed me from them. Not only, but He is currently showing me who I am in Christ, and that He called me to be president of EIC. The old Evan wanted to be someone so badly. I thought I was famous, and wanted the high status of the world. He never could be tied down, and settle. Always on the move. And the religious Evan too, always thought he was so special and perfect and dear to God in this prideful way that made me feel better than others. Yet this new Evan, I’m seeing that by the grace of God, in Christ I am “someone.” Not by anything I have done, but simply Him calling me to Himself. He saw me before the frames of the world, before I could even see myself, and HE MADE me to be someone TO HIM. So, despite not be some superstar in the world, I AM OKAY: because it says my life is HID in Christ and I will be revealed IN GLORY when HE returns to rule the world for 1,000 years. WHICH IS SOON!!!! So, it has been on my heart as trained by EIC to “be prepared” for SURVIVAL. Since, at the advent of end-times we may be without electricity, heat, grocery stores. So, I am one to brainstorm how to survive without our everyday things, and I am one who has a natural sense of how to survive. And in due season the Lord will deal with my gentle animal loving personality and help me to hunt animals and roast up some squirrels if necessary at some point. LOL I have to say, I am so thankful to be apart of EIC, and to be surrounded by a REAL FAMILY that has nothing but my best interest in mind— that is what the Lord wants from me. I am so thankful for Pastor Pam who has and is raising me in Christ. EIC is a worthy gem, that I cherish, and is a POWERFUL church to recon with, full of love that never fails and truth that sets the captives free, a LIGHT in the night that exposes all darkness of the enemy, a stronghold of righteousness in the evil day, bold, full of the wisdom of God. EIC is without lack— because we are uniquely different but united as one in the Lord Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit, ON EXODUS to the promised land of the Lord’s return, having been delivered from the global satanic deception of this age, we strive to be wise virgins as He leads us through trials, victories, gains and losses- whatever is lost is so we can gain more of Christ, and EIC has left the worldly riches, idolatry, and bondage IN EGYPT. We walk with light packing, JUST as the Lord sent His disciples with little….and any who don’t receive our message we simply “shake off the dust.” WE ARE THE LORD’S CHURCH, THE CHURCH IN WHICH HE SAID: THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST HER.20
- Introduce yourselfEn General Discussion·June 6, 2022We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments.0232
- Welcome to the ForumEn General Discussion·June 6, 2022Share your thoughts. Feel free to add GIFs, videos, hashtags and more to your posts and comments. Get started by commenting below.0115